Duromine is an effective weight loss product that can even replace surgical liposuction in some cases. It blocks the AgRP neurons responsible for the feeling of hunger, and, accordingly, reduces appetite. You start eating fewer calories and gradually lose weight.
But if you keep asking yourself “why am I not losing weight on Duromine”, it is important to figure out why such a potent medication is not providing the expected result. In this article, we will tell you how to understand that Duromine stopped working, we will analyze the most popular reasons and offer a solution on how to increase the effectiveness of this medication.
How do you know that Duromine is not working
Are you sure that Duromine stopped working? Before making such a conclusion, answer the following questions:
- Do you feel very hungry during the day?
- Do you want to eat more food than before?
- Have you been losing weight in the last 2-4 weeks?
If you answered yes to even one of the questions, chances are the drug really isn’t working.
But do not rush to give up. Duromine is not a magic pill for weight loss. It needs your assistance. And therefore it is very important to eliminate the reasons why Duromine may not be effective enough.
Reasons why Duromine stops being effective
You fail to follow the rules for the use of Duromine
The doctor calculates the dosage and the treatment duration. He takes into account your gender, age, weight, BMI (body mass index, showing the ratio of height to weight), chronic diseases and other variables.
Duromine is available in three types of capsules – containing 15, 30 and 40 milligrams of the active ingredient.
Most often, the doctor uses the following scheme:
- prescribes one 30 mg capsule (40 if BMI is above 35) per day,
- reduces or increases the dose, depending on the result.
If you suspect that the drug has stopped working (or does not work from the very beginning of the treatment course), tell your doctor about it – he will increase the dose or give recommendations that will improve the drug efficacy.
You don’t get enough sleep
Insufficient sleep is one of the most common reasons why people gain weight. When you sleep little, the concentration of hormones in the blood changes. For example, the level of the stress hormone cortisol rises. Increased levels of this hormone increase the feeling of hunger.
Research has proven that you increase your risk of gaining weight if you sleep less than 5 hours.
The paradox in this situation is that Duromine can cause insomnia. Therefore, it is important to take it no later than 8 hours before bedtime, that is, in the morning. It is also necessary to add to your diet foods that improve the quality of sleep. For example, red fish and legumes (peas, lentils, chickpeas) contain vitamin B6, which is involved in the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. The amino acid tryptophan is also involved in this process – it is found in animal products (turkey meat, eggs, cheese, and so on). You can also add small amounts of almonds – they contain magnesium, which relaxes muscles and improves sleep, as well. It is equally important to limit the consumption of foods that excite the nervous system, such as coffee.
Your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills if you are among those people, who are highly sensitive to the active ingredient in Duromine.
You don’t drink enough water
Water is involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body, so during weight loss it is especially important to consume enough fluids. For example, dehydration in the liver slows down the process of breaking down fats – you lose weight slowly and feel fatigued.
- You should drink plenty of water while taking Duromine.
- The daily adequate water intake in liters = (45 ml x kilogram of body) / 1000.
For example, if you weigh 95 kg, your water requirement is 4.3 liters ((45 ml x 95 kg) / 1000)
If you are not seeing results with Duromine, try increasing your water intake. You will not only speed up your metabolism by about 3%, but also improve your overall well-being.
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You don’t follow dietary guidelines
Adjusting the diet is the first step to take after you have been prescribed Duromine.
Here are some recommendations for correcting your diet.
- Create a calorie deficit.
To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you expend.
How to calculate the amount of calories you are burning.
– Calculate your daily metabolic rate.
Daily metabolic rate is the number of calories that the body spends daily, regardless of what you do.
An approximate formula for calculating the daily metabolic rate
For men: 0.9 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in 1 hour
For women: 0.7 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in 1 hour
However, this is an approximate formula. Ideally, not only weight should be taken into account, but also BMI (weight-for-height ratio), chronic diseases and many other variables.
– To your daily metabolic rate, you should add the expenditure for your activity.
Count how many calories you burn throughout the day – when exercising, walking, cleaning the house, and so on.
Take the quiz to find out your calorie needs.
- Calculate the rate of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
It is not enough to create a calorie deficit. It is equally important to know and take into account your normal rate of macronutrients, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
For example, your body needs protein not only for building muscles. It is part of hormones, immune cells, tissues, and so on.
An approximate formula for calculating the protein rate:
weight * coefficient (1.2 for women, 1.6 for men) + 50%
Do not forget to add foods containing a variety of vitamins and minerals to your diet. It is difficult to calculate the need for each element, and you don’t have to. It is enough to add as many plant foods to your diet as possible. Ideally, you need to consume at least 30 per week. To achieve this goal, replace 1-2 products every day. For example, on Monday, prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers and dress it with olive oil, and on Tuesday – of cabbage and carrots, seasoned with sesame.
Another life hack is “rainbow in a bowl”. This means that the plate should contain products of several colors. For example, tomatoes (red), cucumbers (green), peppers (yellow), onions (purple), chickpeas (white).
- Give up sweets.
Sugar destroys immunoglobulins, microflora, blood vessels, capillaries, elastin and many other cells – it is important to refuse sweets even for people who are not aiming to lose weight.
If you have a high BMI, you should give up sweets – sugar gradually leads to diabetes and obesity.
You don’t follow the resting regime
No matter how much you want to accelerate weight loss, do not forget to rest – both physically, mentally, and emotionally. We will discuss the importance of proper sleep and the impact of stress further in this article. Now, we would like to focus on the signs of excessive training:
- fatigue in the morning,
- lack of concentration,
- mood worsening,
- weight loss slowdown or plateau,
- persistent muscle pain,
- loss of interest in exercising.
If you have at least 2-3 symptoms from the list, you may need to rest more. Without proper rest, Duromine will not work.
Your life is full of stress
Duromine blocks the production of hormones that cause appetite. Stress, however, raises their levels and literally neutralizes the effect of Duromine.
When in chronic stress, the levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise, as do the levels of the hunger-controlling hormone ghrelin. These two hormones not only increase appetite, but also increase the absorption of sugar and fat. For this reason, during times of stress, not only do you want to eat a lot, but also suffer from strong cravings for sweets and fast food.
Due to the increased cortisol levels, the percentage of visceral fat also increases. This fat accumulates around the internal organs and increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.
You have bad habits
One way or another, bad habits lead to weight gain.
Alcohol slows down the production of satiety hormones and, just like stress, literally neutralizes the effect of Duromine at the hormonal level.
In the short term, smoking suppresses appetite, but in the long term, it disrupts metabolism and leads to weight gain.
Your activity level is not high enough
You already know that it is important to create a calorie deficit, if you want to lose weight. The first way is to reduce the calorie content of your diet. The second is to increase calorie consumption.
Many people think that three workouts a week is enough, but this is not true. During training, depending on the type of training (you burn less calories during strength trainings), you burn approximately 250 to 300 kcal. This means that you burn only 900 kcal per week during such trainings.
Add walking to them, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and get off public transport one stop early – burn as many calories as possible in every possible way!
Research has proven that exercise really does help you lose weight. The important thing is that you don’t have to train to the point of exhaustion every day – 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate activity per week is enough.
Moderate activity is training during which your heart rate reaches approximately 40-50% of your maximum level (max = 220 – age). In other words, you need to stick to workouts during which you feel comfortable.
You have developed a tolerance to Duromine
Your body may develop a tolerance to Duromine. This is a condition in which the body prevents Duromine from exerting its action.
It is associated with homeostasis – the body’s ability to normalize all systems (hormone levels, temperature, pressure, and many other processes).
What to do if Duromine stopped working?
Adjust your diet
The first thing to do if you are unhappy with the results of Duromine use is to adjust your diet – calculate the calorie content of the diet, the need for macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins and minerals.
That’s not all – while taking Duromine, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of its action and add foods to the diet that will support the liver and cardiovascular system, and will not cause insomnia, anxiety, and other symptoms of a nervous system disorder.
If you are not sure that you can adjust the diet yourself, order a meal plan from My Healthy Weight Team. Diets by My Healthy Weight are meal plans formulated by professional nutritionists based on studies of the pharmacological action of Duromine.
You will receive a customized nutrition plan based on 70 of your health indicators, which will include the foods your body needs while taking Duromine.
Move more
During weight loss, it is important to add exercise to your routine in order to increase calorie expenditure and speed up your metabolism.
The paradox is that active training is prohibited with significant excess weight. Jumping, running, lifting heavy weights, and other movements that burn many calories can damage your joints.
Therefore, it is important to choose a comfortable load and gradually increase the intensity of training. It is equally important to move more during the day. Any activity during the day will be useful: extend the duration of your way home or to work, get out of your chair more often, switch from car to bike and always prefer walking to short car rides.
See a doctor
If you start to feel very hungry again or notice other signs that Duromine is not working as it should, contact your doctor.
There are two options. First, the doctor may increase the dosage of Duromine. Secondly, with a higher probability, the doctor will recommend adjusting the diet (reducing the calorie content of the diet, limiting the consumption of sweets and fast food, drinking more water, and so on), or increasing physical activity.
This is because Duromine only helps you control appetite. Your task is to adjust the diet and acquire healthy eating habits that will remain after you stop the course.
Why am I gaining weight on Duromine
For some people, the result is even more unexpected – not only do they not lose weight on Duromine, but gain it.
If this is about you, start by adjusting your diet. First of all, you need to create a calorie deficit.
Reasons why you cannot create a calorie deficit:
- you do not know the calorie content of products;
- you do not take into account the calorie content of snacks;
- you do not take into account the calorie content of drinks – coffee with milk, sugary carbonated drinks, juices and so on.
Secondly, it is equally important to include in the diet the foods that your body needs while taking Duromine. For example, you should not give up fatty foods, even though they contain many calories, since fats have many functions, including:
- structural – the membranes of all cells are composed of fats,
- hormonal – fats are involved in the production of hormones,
- protective – internal organs are protected by a fatty film,
- and so on.
Depending on the origin, fats are divided into vegetable (oils, nuts, seeds, and so on) and animal (meat, poultry, fish). To get all the fats you need, aim for variety – alternate oils, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, and so on.
It is necessary to completely give up only unhealthy fats or trans fats. These are vegetable fats that are artificially saturated with hydrogen. They are often found in margarine, refined vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products, mayonnaise and other sauces, fast food, processed foods, and some other products.

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Duromine is a truly effective weight loss product. However, it is not a magic pill. It is a tool that must be used correctly.
First, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug and adjust it during the course – this should be done by the doctor.
Secondly, you need to create a correct diet – create a calorie deficit, give up sweets and fast food, drink more water, and add foods containing vitamins and minerals.
Thirdly, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle in general – move more, normalize sleep, try to reduce the amount of stress, and so on.
It is very important to form good habits. Without them, after completing the course of Duromine, you risk seeing your weight get back fairly quickly.

“Hayley Liew has credentials as both a Provisional Psychologist and a Practicing Dietitian ”