You’ve probably heard about insulin resistance or may even have it. Decreased insulin sensitivity leads to this condition. The pancreas produces insulin, which is the “key” that opens the cell for nutrients.
With insulin resistance, the cell stops responding to insulin and remains “hungry” no matter how much you eat. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, which can lead to diabetes. But it is possible to reverse insulin resistance with a diet, and it is definitely worth using it.
Do you need a diet for insulin resistance
Is there a universal reversing insulin resistance diet? We can’t offer you a strictly built diet, but there are clear rules to follow. Experts advocate an individual approach in this matter and provide specific recommendations that will help you:
- control blood sugar;
- improve insulin sensitivity.
How can a diet help? It is known that different foods have different effects on blood glucose and have a different glycemic index (GI). This indicator determines the ability of the food product to raise blood sugar levels. By following a diet that includes foods with a low GI, you can prevent glucose spikes and gradually get rid of insulin resistance. So, diet is a way to improve health and avoid this dangerous disease.
The best foods for an insulin resistance diet
What should you include in your insulin resistance diet food list to get rid of insulin resistance and prevent diabetes in the future? According to experts, for this, you need to adjust the ratio of macronutrients in your diet by choosing the right foods. The list of such foods includes:
- fiber and whole grains;
- healthy polyunsaturated fats;
- non-starchy vegetables and leafy greens;
- unprocessed foods.
When planning a diet, it is important to consider the individual characteristics of a person since the same product can cause a different insulin response. What should your diet include?
We all have heard about the benefits of vegetables for gastrointestinal health and weight loss. But not all vegetables are welcome guests on your table in insulin resistance. Opt for vegetables with a low GI. Choose whole vegetables that haven’t been processed. Frozen or canned vegetables are also suitable if they have a low salt content. You may use:
- leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, parsley, and dill);
- cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli);
- non-starchy vegetables (tomato, cucumber, onion, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, green pepper, asparagus, and carrot);
- legumes (green peas, green beans).
What about vegetable juices? Between juice and whole vegetables, it is better to choose the latter since they contain a lot of fiber, unlike concentrated juice. It is the fiber that slows down absorption and helps avoid sharp spikes in blood sugar. It is desirable that vegetables make up at least half of the daily diet.
Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but they often contain a lot of sugar, which is contraindicated in insulin resistance. You can eat 1-2 medium fruits (200-400 g) per day, preferably in the morning. Choose fruits that are high in fiber, such as:
- apple;
- banana;
- orange;
- melon.
You can also include berries in your diet:
- grapes;
- blueberry;
- strawberry.
Do your best to consume fresh fruits and berries in order to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. If you want to treat yourself to fruit juice or canned foods, pay attention to the sugar content and don’t use them too often.
There is one important rule when eating fruit: keep it in moderation. At first, it can be difficult, especially if you like fruits. To avoid the temptation to eat more than allowed, do not store a lot of fruit at home. It is better to buy one or two apples or bananas every day than to constantly fight the temptation and eventually give in to it.
Dairy products
In insulin resistance, it is allowed to consume milk products. But you should remember that they contain lactose. It is a type of natural sugar that can cause blood sugar spikes in some cases. Milk, cheese and yogurts also contain saturated fats, which you should avoid.
At the same time, dairy products are a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for the body’s normal functioning. Choose the ones with a low fat content to get the most out of them. You can make up for the need for fat with healthy fats.
Most milk products have a low GI but a high insulin index (II). The latter indicates how much insulin your body needs to process a particular product. For example, the GI of yogurt is 35, while its II is 115. High blood insulin levels can lead to weight gain and other unpleasant consequences. So, you should be careful with dairy products.
Whole grains
During grain processing, parts such as germ and bran are removed from them, leaving only the endosperm. As a result, we don’t get the healthiest, fiber-rich parts of grains that help regulate blood sugar levels. Add whole grains to your diet. Your diet may include:
- brown rice;
- barley;
- bulgur;
- buckwheat;
- millet;
- maize flour;
- wheat.
It is advisable to consume at most 1-2 servings of cereals per week. You can also use whole grain macaroni, flakes and flatbread. They contain complex carbs that are slowly digested and help control blood sugar levels. Moreover, these foods allow you to feel full longer and not have snacks between meals.
Beans and legumes
An important advantage of legumes for insulin resistance is that they are rich in protein and dietary fiber. Lean protein causes satiety and helps control waist size, and dietary fiber provides a gradual increase in blood sugar.
Legumes reduce insulin resistance symptoms, leading to weight loss due to a prolonged sense of satiety. So, you should use them in your diet. They include:
- chickpeas;
- lentils;
- red beans;
- peas.
Plant protein content in legumes can reach 40%, making them an excellent alternative to meat. Dietary fiber also helps lower blood cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Experts recommend including legumes in the diet for the prevention of metabolic syndrome.
Fish is a wonderful source of protein. So, you should include it in your diet. Opt for oily fish as it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. The latter are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
It is known that diabetes negatively affects the blood vessels. The regular use of fatty fish can prevent heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
What fish should you include in your diet? Choose oily fish found in cold northern waters. The list includes:
- herring;
- trout;
- mackerel;
- tuna;
- sardines.
According to some recommendations, you should eat 230-250 g of fish per week. It is advised to use a gentle cooking method, such as stewing or baking. In this case, the fish will retain the maximum of nutrients.
Following the recommendations on the amount and cooking method, you can diversify your diet and provide your body with essential macronutrients.
Lean meat and poultry
Lean meat and poultry are other sources of protein. Your body needs protein to build all tissues and muscles, so you can’t do without protein foods. The main thing is to choose the right sources of animal protein. They include lean meat and poultry.
If you use a whole bird, remove the skin, which contains plenty of fat and cholesterol. Turkey or lean chicken, especially chicken breast, will be an excellent choice. They contain much protein and virtually no fat. What meat can you eat with insulin resistance?
- beef;
- veal;
- pork (in small amounts);
- mutton.
It is recommended to consume meat no more than 1-2 times a week. You should use the parts of the carcass with a low fat content. Lean protein will keep you full for a longer time. As a result, you will eat less food, which will help you manage your weight. Apart from meat, you can consume plant protein. You can find it in tofu, legumes, and soy foods.
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Nuts and seeds
Fats are no less important than protein. Their lack in the body disrupts the production of hormones and the absorption of some vitamins. But not all fats are equally suitable for insulin resistance. You should include a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids in your diet. These fats have anti-inflammatory effects and help control blood sugar levels.
Where can you find healthy fats? You can find them in nuts and seeds and their oils. While containing a minimum of carbs, these foods are rich in fiber and protein. They also have a high energy value.
Given the low carbohydrate content, such foods do not cause sharp spikes in blood sugar, which is important for insulin resistance. On the other hand, their uncontrolled use can lead to weight gain since nuts and seeds are very high in calories. Do not consume more than one serving of nuts per day, which is a handful of nuts.
What should you avoid with insulin resistance
Apart from the recommended foods for an insulin resistance syndrome diet, there are foods you should not use in your diet. These are:
- Processed foods. They contain a lot of added sugar and salt and other unhealthy ingredients. Avoid chips, baked goods with a long shelf life, canned soups, etc.
- Saturated fats and trans fats. Butter and cream contain saturated fats. Trans fats are commonly added to fast food and baked goods.
- Drinks with added sugar, such as soda, juice, or bottled tea. They cause sharp blood sugar spikes and lead to insulin resistance.
- Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have a lot of carbs. This is contrary to the rules of a diet for insulin resistance. Moreover, alcohol consumption during treatment with blood sugar lowering drugs can lead to hypoglycemia.
If you want to get the maximum benefit from a diet, you should also give up bad eating habits:
- Long intervals between meals. You should have 3-4 meals a day so that you don’t feel very hungry.
- Overeating. Overeating leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar.
- Frequent snacks. This leads to blood sugar levels always being high.
With severe insulin resistance, a diet is an easy way to normalize the work of the pancreas and prevent diabetes in the future.
Using a diet for insulin resistance to lose weight
People with insulin resistance are often overweight. So, losing weight is an important condition to improve health. Usually, with insulin resistance, fat accumulates in the abdomen. So, a waist circumference of more than 80 cm in women and more than 94 cm in men is an alarming symptom.
Losing just 5% of weight can lead to significant health improvement.
Reducing insulin resistance will help your body cells get the nutrients they need, resulting in less hunger, and you can lose weight easily.
In some cases, along with dieting, reducing the number of calories consumed is recommended to get faster results. You should also increase your level of exercise so that you burn more calories than you consume.

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Insulin resistance is a dangerous condition that can lead to diabetes. Dieting is a simple and reliable way to prevent the disease, lose weight and significantly improve health.
The best diet for insulin resistance involves not only using specific foods but also changing eating habits and, in some cases, reducing calories for a fast weight loss. When planning your diet, you can follow the general recommendations, but if you want a diet that takes into account your individual needs, consult a doctor or nutritionist.