Jul 15, 2023
13 min read

Weight Loss Tips: Use Powerful Techniques for Shedding Kilos


Every year the number of overweight people continues to grow worldwide. This is also true for Australia, where 2 out of 3 adults (67%) were overweight or obese in 2017-2018, according to official data. The same applies to approximately 25% of children and teenagers aged 2 to 17. We have to deal with this problem and take active steps to solve it.

We have selected the most effective methods and recommendations that will help you lose extra kilos. Based on practical advice on how to plan your meals and enjoy healthier food, you can gradually change your habits and improve the quality of your life. All you have to do is to use the appropriate reduced weight loss tips and start your journey to a healthier and more active life.

Do not skip breakfast

Have you ever heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? In fact, that’s not so definite. People are different. Someone needs a hearty meal and someone – only a cup of water in the morning. The main thing is to listen to your body. If you feel more comfortable starting your day with breakfast, it’s okay. If you have no appetite, you should not force yourself to eat. However, it is reasonably regular and not erratic nutrition that helps you stabilize your metabolism and maintain blood sugar levels. To make your breakfast nourishing and healthy, we recommend the following time-tested dishes:

  • oatmeal;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • scrambled eggs with veggies.

Eat regular meals

It would be better to eat fractionally, 3-4 times a day at 3-4-hour intervals, so as not to feel hungry. This is your recipe for success! It will help maintain blood sugar levels and avoid overeating. The habit of having meals at the same time will normalize digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients. Plan your meals and opt for tasteful, healthy meals, and you’ll soon feel the lightness and joy of successful weight loss.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of vitamins and minerals. Their use is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. While they are low in calories, they fill the body with useful substances. Eat at least 5 servings of the following fruits and vegetables every day:

  • avocado;
  • mango;
  • pineapples;
  • guava;
  • passionflower;
  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • tomatoes;
  • spinach;
  • turnip;
  • legumes.

Use different foods to get the maximum of nutrients, and your diet will be balanced.

Get more active

The more you move during the day, the more weight you lose day by day. And at the same time, you will gradually stop thinking about eating something on the go. You should not sweat on the treadmill or lift weights in the gym. It is enough to start walking the dog, occasionally go to work on foot, or switch from car to bike. It will be helpful even to walk around the room while talking on the phone, clean the house more often, and enjoy walking in the park every evening. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day will be great for your health!

Drink plenty of water

A sufficient amount of water in your diet plays a vital role in weight loss. One of the natural tips for weight loss is to increase your water consumption. Do you know what helps you lose weight? The answer is drinking a little more plain clean water than you are used to! According to a study, drinking plenty of water helps speed up your metabolism and energy consumption, increasing burned calories!

Many quench their thirst with fizzy drinks like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, etc. However, Australian scientists have found that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and high blood pressure. So, drink clean water, and you will only benefit from it.

It is recommended to drink 33 to 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight.

Eat high-fiber foods

Eating fiber-rich foods is an important part of the fight against extra kilos. Due to their low absorption rate, they improve digestion, leading to a prolonged feeling of satiety. Plenty of fiber helps control servings and avoid overeating. High-fiber foods are well known. These are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Include in your diet such stores of fiber, as:

  • kiwano;
  • papaya;
  • “Kipfler” potatoes;
  • sorrel;
  • beets.

They will provide both optimal nutrition and weight loss.

Use a smaller plate

Imagine a large plate of a juicy steak with a vegetable salad or a small plate with a slice of pizza. What will be more attractive to you? One of the effective and easy tips for weight loss is using smaller plates for meals. This approach helps control serving sizes and reduces the likelihood of overeating. Gradually get used to the new portion sizes. Combined with a balanced diet, this method will help you steadily lose weight and build healthy eating habits.

Do not ban foods

Completely banning favorite but less healthy foods can lead to feelings of loss and reduced motivation. Instead, follow the real weight loss tips and eat your favorite foods in moderation. Sometimes treat yourself to small portions of sweet or fatty foods. In this case, you will definitely not empty the confectionery department in one sitting. This way, you will control your diet and occasionally enjoy your favorite foods without fear of breaking bad. Remember that the key to healthy and balanced weight loss is moderation and variety in your diet, so experiment and enjoy different foods!

Plan your meals

Meal planning is one of the fast weight loss tips. It is an excellent way to control calories and get all the nutrients you need. Create a weekly plan based on your favorite foods and dishes. Include varied and balanced recipes, such as:

  • Greek salad;
  • omelet with veggies;
  • chicken breast with a vegetable salad.

Also, don’t forget to include a couple of your favorites from the list of healthy foods! Plan your breakfast, lunch, and dinner thoroughly. Then you will forget about snacks and overeating, which means you will lose weight faster!

Eat slowly

Probably everyone has ever experienced intense hunger after a long working day. You return home and just can’t resist eating something tasty before a meal. And before you know what’s going on, you’ve already eaten enough to barely notice the taste of food.

Sit down and relax before you start eating. Carefully chew each piece and enjoy the taste and flavor of the dish. Eating slowly and deliberately allows your brain to receive satiety signals, preventing you from overeating. This helps absorb nutrients better, creating a feeling of fullness.

Enjoy the food you eat

It’s hard to enjoy a meal if it only consists of incredibly healthy yet unsavory dishes. Do not deprive yourself of your favorite foods for the sake of a new lifestyle! According to the great weight loss tips, you should have food priorities instead of banning foods. Opt for healthy and solid foods, not forgetting to treat yourself to what you love the most. You should not chew lettuce, secretly dreaming of mouth-watering ribs or ice cream! You can eat both in reasonable proportions and in the correct sequence: first, healthy and nutritious foods, and then a few tasty ones!

Experiment with original recipes, fragrant spices, and food combinations to diversify your diet.

Cut calories, not the flavor

The more tasteful the food is, the easier it is to overeat. But not only fatty sauces and lots of salt make food delicious. Don’t think you’re now doomed to eat unpalatable plant-based dishes and rubber-like steamed chicken breast! Weight loss secrets and tips will help make your diet tasty and varied.

Replace high-calorie ingredients with low-calorie alternatives. To enhance the food flavor, you can substitute sugar and fragrant spices for natural sweeteners so as not to consume many calories! And then you can continue to enjoy savory meals.

Weigh yourself once a week, not more

Do not get stuck on daily weighing. It can lead to stress and loss of motivation if the weight changes too slowly or suddenly rises a little. This is because weight loss may be affected by various factors, such as:

  • hydration level;
  • diet change;
  • exercising;
  • menstrual cycle in women.

Approach the process wisely! It would be better to schedule a weighing day once a month to see real progress and not be afraid of momentary fluctuations. Set a specific day of the month and monitor your weight while staying optimistic and confident. This approach will help you know the exact numbers and stay enthusiastic!

Start where you are and choose MHW

It is essential to accept your current fitness and health condition to start your weight loss journey. Choose the MHW (My Healthy Weight) program, an individual plan tailored to your needs and goals. The MHW provides full support, including nutrition, exercise, and motivation. You will get all the necessary tools to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Limit high-glycemic carbohydrate foods

Reducing the consumption of high glycemic foods is one of the top weight loss tips for people with diabetes or prediabetes. These are quickly digested foods, causing blood sugar to rise or drop suddenly. After a short time, you are hungry again and go beyond your calorie limits. How to avoid blood sugar spikes? Use low-glycemic foods, including:

  • cooked soybeans;
  • fresh, frozen, or boiled green peas;
  • boiled yellow split peas;
  • boiled dried peas;
  • boiled white beans;
  • boiled red beans;
  • lentils;
  • canned black beans;
  • oatmeal bread with bran and honey;
  • rye bread;
  • pumpernickel.

The above foods will normalize your blood sugar levels and help you feel full longer. Losing weight without feeling hungry is possible!

Get into meal planning

  • Don’t be afraid to plan: thinking about food in advance is easy, but it can help a lot!
  • Find recipes: search the Internet or consult nutritionists to include healthy ideas in your diet.
  • Choose the foods you like so as not to be deprived of the pleasure of eating.
  • Variety in everything: use varied dishes for breakfast, afternoon snacks, lunch, and dinner, making your meals appetizing and healthy.
  • Flexibility is everything: if your plans change, don’t worry. Just adjust your menu for the other days.

Follow these healthy eating tips for weight loss! And your nutrition will be complete and balanced, and weight loss will be inevitable and will cause no problems!

Make a grocery list and stick to it, or we can give you one along with the meal plan

Making a shopping list and sticking to it will help you focus on healthy foods, avoiding impulsive overstocking of unnecessary and unhealthy foods. Carefully review your weekly meal plan and include all the necessary ingredients in the list. Stick to the list while shopping and don’t deviate from it. If you are having difficulty making the list yourself, consult a specialist who knows a lot about the best weight loss tips. The specialist will offer you a ready-made list along with an individual meal plan.

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Cut back on refined carbs

Usually, refined carbs are low in nutrients but high in calories. These include:

  • white bread;
  • refined-flour pasta;
  • sugar.

In this case, the weight loss advice is to eat whole-grain flour foods such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, and buckwheat. These foods contain more fiber and useful microelements, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Find your inner motivation

What motivates and supports you in your decision to lose weight? Why do you want to get slim? It can be a desire to take care of your health, improve your physical fitness or just look more attractive. According to a recent study, it is crucial to constantly monitor your results during weight loss. The tips for weight loss success will help you find something to keep you motivated throughout the weight loss process.

Set realistic goals

Set yourself a realistic goal, like losing 2 kilos by Christmas, but not in a week before it. Do you want to lose weight instantly? But that doesn’t happen. You should not chase quick results but rather set yourself up for a smooth and healthy process. Remember that weight loss is a marathon, and not a sprint. Set achievable goals for yourself and be happy with every step you take along the way. This way, you will stay motivated and can keep moving forward while sticking to your diet and exercise routine!

According to the quick weight loss tips, you should be ready to lose only 1-2 kilograms per month or increase the duration of your exercises by 10 minutes every week. Celebrate your achievements and rejoice even in small successes to keep you motivated and confident.

Enjoy healthier foods

To lose weight without harm to health, you should learn how to enjoy healthy foods. Take a look at our tips to diet for weight loss and review your own preferences to make changes to your diet. Instead of fatty and high-calorie meals, choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, such as:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • seafood.

Replace unhealthy snacks with nuts, dried fruits, or low-fat cottage cheese.


Following the nutrition advice for weight loss, you will gradually achieve the desired results in weight loss. The basis of successful weight loss is an individual approach, a balanced, low-calorie diet, and regular exercise.

By using the weight loss tips at home and wherever you are, you will undoubtedly succeed and soon be able to show off your new clothing size! Remember that by losing weight, you will not only change your appearance but also improve your health and the quality of your life. Be patient and persistent, and you will surely achieve your goal!


written by

Hayley Liew


“Hayley Liew has credentials as both a Provisional Psychologist and a Practicing Dietitian ”

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